Super Smash Bros. Brawl update: Co-Op Events and Target Smash modes
If you’ve taken a look at our previous coverage of the Events game mode in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, then you know that the game offers its fair share of single-player fun. However, what you may find interesting is that you can actually double the fun in Events mode by taking on some wacky battle scenarios with a friend in the Co-Op version of Events mode.
Check out the wacky game screenshots after the jump!
If you’ve taken a look at our previous coverage of the Events game mode in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, then you know that the game offers its fair share of single-player fun. However, what you may find interesting is that you can actually double the fun in Events mode by taking on some wacky battle scenarios with a friend in the Co-Op version of Events mode.
Much like its single-player version, the Co-Op Events mode pits you against some unique fights with specific conditions thrown into them. This time, though, you both have to work together to achieve your goal depending on the type of match you enter.
There are less scenarios offered for Co-Op Events mode, but they’re no less fun to take on than its single-player counterpart. You can play a two-on-two Pokemon battle match or even a super death match brawl, with the winner knocking out the most number of characters at the end of the time limit.
The developers from Sora Ltd. have also included a two-player Target Smash mode where you can team up with a friend to take out all the targets in a stage. So whether you want to play solo or with a friend, Super Smash Bros. Brawl aims to please all its fans. Enjoy the screenshots we have from the game!