Super Smash Bros. Brawl update: lava-filled battleground Norfair
It’s all about interactive stages in Nintendo’s upcoming all-star battle royale in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Today’s update focuses on one of the more familiar stages in the Metroid game world.
It’s the very same battleground where Samus and Ridley fought it out in Super Metroid. Gamers familiar with Metroid will remember Norfair and its deadly environment filled with lava falls and lakes of molten magma. Read the entire article right after the jump!
It’s all about interactive stages in Nintendo’s upcoming all-star battle royale in Super Smash Bros. Brawl for the Wii. Today’s update focuses on one of the more familiar stages in the Metroid game world.
You guessed it. It’s the very same battleground where Samus and Ridley fought it out in Super Metroid. Gamers familiar with Metroid will remember Norfair and its deadly environment filled with lava falls and lakes of molten magma.
Our resident brawlers will definitely have their hands full battling it out on these deadly grounds. While players won’t be seeing any giant dragon-like space pirates, they will have to watch out for the occasional lava showers which bathe the stage and drop the few platforms holding the players up.
Fortunately, there’s a convenient safety zone on the upper right of the stage. Unfortunately it’s every man, woman and sentient being for themselves trying to get into the tube before a stream of red hot death washes over the entire stage.
While this stage isn’t as wholesome as the others we’ve seen before, it’s one where hardcore fighting gamers can test their mettle in this exciting game. Super Smash Bros. Brawl is set to be released this coming February for North America.
In the meantime, enjoy the rest of the screenshots we have on this hot update.