SuperPass 2 Special Edition Now Available
SuperPass 2 Special Edition ($19.95) is an add-on device that allows you to run DS code from your GBA flash cart. Translation: You can run DS homebrew programs and games on both screens on your Nintendo DS.
However, SuperPass 2 requires the use of a commercial DS cart (for authentication) and a GBA Flash cart (to hold DS program) to work. The new features include:
-Improved shell design which is easier to plug int DS slot.
-New sturdier switch
-Supports all NDS and NDS Lite versions
-Easy to use with PC software and update the firmware
-SuperPass Programmer
SuperPass 2 Special Edition ($19.95) is an add-on device that allows you to run DS code from your GBA flash cart. Translation: You can run DS homebrew programs and games on both screens on your Nintendo DS.
However, SuperPass 2 requires the use of a commercial DS cart (for authentication) and a GBA Flash cart (to hold DS program) to work. The new features include:
-Improved shell design which is easier to plug int DS slot.
-New sturdier switch
-Supports all NDS and NDS Lite versions
-Easy to use with PC software and update the firmware
-SuperPass Programmer