Surfer Girl: Diablo 3 to be announced summer before StarCraft 2 release?
She may have missed small details before, but we found it hard to resist telling you guys about Surfer Girl’s latest batch of rumors. This time, an announcement of Diablo 3 was mentioned and other intriguing games were brought to light. Head over to the full article to find all the details.
We don’t usually go bonkers every time the notorious rumor monger Surfer Girl posts on her blog, but the latest batch of “insider info” sure raised our eyebrows. If her words hold true, Blizzard‘s most explosive year is coming soon and new franchises from other developers are going to surface in the near future.
According to Surfer Girl, Diablo 3 will be announced “barely summer” before the release of StarCraft 2, which is “still on track for release this decade.” The potentially groundbreaking reveal and wildly anticipated release of Blizzard’s big-hitters weren’t tagged with any release windows, so that means anywhere from 2008 to 2010.
On the other hand, the creator of F.E.A.R that we know as TimeGate Studios is said to be working on a possible MMO game titled Spirits and Souls. Day 1 Studios of MechAssault fame also supposedly has “a first-person shooter taking place in the most thrilling of gritty, realistic urban environments” in the works.
Interesting enough, the Dynamic Motion Synthesis pioneer NaturalMotion known for its Euphoria engine is believed to have an original title under development. The mysterious game will define its own genre, akin to Psychonauts and LittleBigPlanet.
Furthermore, Surfer Girl added that the popular comedy film producer Judd Apatow could be making a Leisure Suit Larry film starring Larry himself. While Surfer Girl said she doubts this tidbit, it’s expected to be a film adaptation of a game that is actually good.