Swordfish Studios reveals more details about 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand
For those of us who had their curiosities piqued by the unveiling of 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand (Xbox 360, PS3), then here’s an info overload update courtesy of Swordfish Studios’ own Julian Widdows. See what sort of gameplay we’ll be looking forward to, and what kind of violence we’ll be knee-deep in at the full article.
Everyone was pretty much gobsmacked when Swordfish Studios came out with the announcement that yes, they will be developing the sequel to the critically-panned 50 Cent: Bulletproof PlayStation 2 title, with the project name being 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand (Xbox 360, PS3). Now, we catch wind of a few more details concerning this rather curious third-person shooter, and they’re all straight from none other than Swordfish Studios game director Julian Widdows.
First off, he cleared up that the game is entirely fictional and has no political context. In 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand, 50 Cent and his cohorts will be facing off against enemies from all over the globe, with the main bad guy actually being an American. In essence, it’s an international crime syndicate that 50 Cent will have to make swiss cheese out of.
As for the inevitable comparison to Gears of War’s cover-shooting mechanism, Widdows reassured fans that 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand would be completely different to Gears of War, with its look as the most striking feature. However, as the game is in third person and they are using the Unreal engine, 50 Cent and his buddies will have the necessary skills to survive in open ground with lots of live ammo going around – thus, shooting for cover. Huh.
For those of us interested in multiplayer, Widdows has some bad news: the only multiplayer experience that 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand will have is co-op, and nothing else. The reason for this is that the team sat down and talked about the entire deal, and decided that they didn’t have a tangible reason to do a great big competitive experience.
And as for the violence, Widdows reported that while they were behind the title Cold War (which featured limb dismemberment), 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand will have more of an arcade game-feel to it, so violence will not be that realistic. That means that no, the game will not let you shoot limbs off of people. Which is a good thing, considering that while it’s fun to shoot people in videogames, seeing them collapse in a pile of realistic limbs isn’t quite.
Well, one thing’s for sure, this game is certainly looking more and more interesting. In any case, updates as we get them, and you can glean more info from the via link below.