Tabula Rasa Test Server patch update: The Fault Lever

Tabula Rasa - Image 1Playing on the Test Server of Richard Garriott‘s Tabula Rasa? Then you’ll be pleased to know that there’s another patch going up on it, and this time it’s got an entirely new area for you to explore and blow up some Bane with. Learn more about this new area named the Fault Lever in the full article.

Tabula Rasa - Image 1 

The last time we heard about the test server in Richard Garriott‘s Tabula Rasa, we gave you an update about the new items you could purchase in the latest build. Now, we’ve got another test server-related bit of news headed your way, and this time it’s about a new Operation area.

So,  what is this new area? It’s called the Fault Lever, a Bane facility hidden deep inside the Thunderhead Fault. The Fault Lever maintains and controls four giant Fault Hammers inside this natural phenomenon, and is designed to funnel tectonic energy into massively-destructive earthquakes. For the sake of future AFS operations, the Fault Lever must be infiltrated and destroyed no matter the cost.

Sounds exciting? It sure does. And besides the new Operation area, the patch that’s going up on the Test Server is also full of bug fixes, so if you’ve been having a hard time playing, chances are you’ll have a smoother playthrough this time around. Enjoy!

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