Take a Look at the Changes at Horizons

Changes are happening over at the Horizons’ Community starting off with their new look. Great way to start listing down what they’ve accomplished so far and what they are currently working on. While  they confessed on not completing everything on the last design preview, they were able to ship new and much improved Biped Tutorial, an area called Spirit Isle, which is really designed to assist players with the basic mechanics of the game, very helpful stuff, indeed. Horizons added: “Some big differences this time around, however, are that there are fewer NPCs, the quests are better, the blue box tutorials are more informative, and the experience and items you gain directly apply towards your character’s growth.” All these were done to make sure players don’t get frustrated with the game and just leave.

Another big  project that the Horizons design team completed and shipped was the first quest series by Peter S Beagle. These quests add flavor and depth to the game. The team is currently working on revamps and refinements to the game to make sure players keep playing.
Changes are happening over at the Horizons’ Community starting off with their new look. Great way to start listing down what they’ve accomplished so far and what they are currently working on. While  they confessed on not completing everything on the last design preview, they were able to ship new and much improved Biped Tutorial, an area called Spirit Isle, which is really designed to assist players with the basic mechanics of the game, very helpful stuff, indeed. Horizons added: “Some big differences this time around, however, are that there are fewer NPCs, the quests are better, the blue box tutorials are more informative, and the experience and items you gain directly apply towards your character’s growth.” All these were done to make sure players don’t get frustrated with the game and just leave.

Another big  project that the Horizons design team completed and shipped was the first quest series by Peter S Beagle. These quests add flavor and depth to the game. The team is currently working on revamps and refinements to the game to make sure players keep playing.

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