Tales of the World: Release date and chibi-screenies


It’s official – Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology is launching this December in Japan. It’s been a while since we picked up news on this game, and we’re sure you’re all pretty excited to hear news on this latest Tales spin-off, given that some of our favorite characters are making their way back into the fray, like Arche Klein (Tales of Phantasia), Kratos Aurion (Tales of Symphonia), Reid Hershel (Tales of Eternia), and Senel Coolidge (Tales of Legendia), though there’s no news on how they link to the main plot, or how you’ll meet them.

As for the bad news: better brush up on your Nipponggo, as we still haven’t received any plans for a  U.S. release for this franchise. Now, before you gnash your teeth in anguish (or start googling for the translated game script), do try to enjoy these new screenies we’ve picked up, and hope that Namco decided to cut a deal for a U.S. release.

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More screens after the jump!


It’s official – Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology is launching this December in Japan. It’s been a while since we picked up news on this game, and we’re sure you’re all pretty excited to hear news on this latest Tales spin-off, given that some of our favorite characters are making their way back into the fray, like Arche Klein (Tales of Phantasia), Kratos Aurion (Tales of Symphonia), Reid Hershel (Tales of Eternia), and Senel Coolidge (Tales of Legendia), though there’s no news on how they link to the main plot, or how you’ll meet them.

As for the bad news: better brush up on your Nipponggo, as we still haven’t received any plans for a  U.S. release for this franchise. Now, before you gnash your teeth in anguish (or start googling for the translated game script), do try to enjoy these new screenies we’ve picked up, and hope that Namco decided to cut a deal for a U.S. release.

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Tales - Image 17

Via TGS Bus

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