Tankw00rst v0.1
MK2k has released Tankw00rst, his second entry to the PSP-Hacks Homebrew Competition, on our PSP Development forums. This homebrew game is a multiplayer hot-seat strategy game that supports two to ten players.
According to MK2k, it’s a completely rewritten clone of Kenneth Morse’s original Tank Wars game which came out before the more popular Scorched Earth. Tank Wars was also the basis for the popular Worms series of games. Here’s a list of the game’s features so far:
- 2-10 Player Hot-Seat Action
- Realistic ballistic physics (including wind force)
- Scoring system and Statistics
For installation and usage instructions, please read the readme file (tankw00rst.readthis.txt) included in the archive. For bug reports, suggestions and whatnots, click on the “visit” link below.
Download: Tankw00rst v0.1
Visit: PSP Development forums
MK2k has released Tankw00rst, his second entry to the PSP-Hacks Homebrew Competition, on our PSP Development forums. This homebrew game is a multiplayer hot-seat strategy game that supports two to ten players.
According to MK2k, it’s a completely rewritten clone of Kenneth Morse’s original Tank Wars game which came out before the more popular Scorched Earth. Tank Wars was also the basis for the popular Worms series of games. Here’s a list of the game’s features so far:
- 2-10 Player Hot-Seat Action
- Realistic ballistic physics (including wind force)
- Scoring system and Statistics
For installation and usage instructions, please read the readme file (tankw00rst.readthis.txt) included in the archive. For bug reports, suggestions and whatnots, click on the “visit” link below.
Download: Tankw00rst v0.1
Visit: PSP Development forums