TCP Loader for Nintendo Wii released
We just got word that homebrew coder Svpe has just created a TCP Loader for the Nintendo Wii. This is basically a TCP server running on the Wii that listens to port 8080 by default and will run any binary that is sent to it. The full details await after the jump!
Things are really becoming interesting for the Nintendo Wii homebrew scene. Over on, it has been announced that a TCP Loader has been created by the coder Svpe.
This feat was done using the recent developments of the socket interface. Basically, this is a TCP server running on the Wii. It listens to port 8080 by default that will run any binary that is sent to it.
Aside from that, it was also mentioned that both DOL and ELF executables are supported by this server. Despite that, however, an IP address display in the Wii is still to be perfected. The WiiBrew update continues:
There is currently some progress on writing a windows GUI to do the loading by dasda, while there is a cli tool for posix.
You currently need libogc cvs and bushing’s socket patch in the patchtracker to compile this yourself. Pre-compiled binaries will maybe released by me once this patch is in the cvs.
It was also mentioned that a Windows gui to do the loading was supposed to be released by the coder Dasda. However, we have yet to hear from the coder and we imagine that some finishing touches are still currently being done.
Keep checking back here at QJ.NET for more updates regarding this. In the mean time, you can get the files necessary via the source link below.
Via WiiBrew