Tekken 6 gameplay matchup – Ganryu vs. Jack S

Tekken 6 - Image 1I remember when I scoured the internet for vids of pros going head-to-head back in the Tekken 5 days. Watching this one made me feel a little nostalgic. They may not be pros, but they sure have a good grasp of how to handle their characters.

I remember when I scoured the internet for vids of pros going head-to-head back in the Tekken 5 days. Watching this one made me feel a little nostalgic. They may not be pros, but they sure have a good grasp of how to handle their characters.

Ganryu  - Image 1

After getting his opponent weighed and measured in the first round, he immediately goes to work and gives the other guy a beating. Ganryu’s moves look a little different, or maybe I haven’t been playing Tekken for so long now? Loved the combo at 0:58, funny how Jack didn’t fall as quickly as he always does, so maybe there are a few physics adjustments too.

Oh man, can’t embed the video here. You’ll have to head over to Eurogamer via the source link below.

That got me in the mood to play. I think I’ll call in a few buddies for a Tekken-fest when I get out of here. Can’t wait to get my hands on Tekken 6: Bloodline Rebellion (PS3, Xbox 360).

More Tekken 6 news:

Via Eurogamer

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