TetriAbetes v1.0

TetriAbetes v1.0 - Image 1Coder Dragula96 dropped by the QJ.NET Forums earlier to announce the release of TetriAbetes v1.0 , which you guys may have seen via its preview video earlier. Details on what the dev’s got lined up for this game’s first release are in the full article.

Download: TetriAbetes v1.0
Visit: QJ.NET PSP Development Forums

TetriAbetes v1.0 - Image 1 TetriAbetes v1.0 - Image 2 

Remember the video that developer Dragula96 dropped off earlier to give us a preview of the upcoming TetriAbetes homebrew? We’re letting you know that the dev has just released the game’s version 1 for your playing pleasure.

dragula96 further notes that this release has been cut down to more manageable size of 3.79 MB, so it shouldn’t use up too much space on your memstick. As for the rest of the game details (quoting dragula96’s post):

  • game has no proper game over, when one block reaches the top, the game pauses for a few seconds then score,grid, and pieces reset so you can play another round.
  • to exit just exit using the home button
  • controls are like every other tetris.
  • start pauses the game
  • there is no rotating left, rotating is done with the O (circle button).

The next release is expected to feature new visuals. We advise users to visit dragula96’s release thread over at the QJ.NET PSP Development Forums if they’ve got questions regarding this app. Also be sure to leave some constructive feedback while you’re there.

Download:  TetriAbetes v1.0
Visit: QJ.NET PSP Development Forums

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