Text Twist for DS Under “dvelemopnet”?

Text Twist on DS... under development?

Thumbs up, anagram fans! A lot of us love Text Twist, and surely some of us have probably found ourselves addicted to it, playing the game hours on end, losing sleep and our social life. Now, for something like a homebrew Text Twist to come to the DS… That’s just absolutely ZOMG-worthy!

BUT! Before we get ahead of ourselves here, here’s a disclaimer: this concept is still in the works, and, for all intents and purposes, is filed under a rumor (as for now). But we are very excited about it (which translates to more sleepless nights waiting for its release).

Blahh, who came up with these screenshots, has just started developing the game using PAlib. He’s almost gotten the letter-twisting function done already, but he still has to load up an array words for the game. He also plans to incorporate WiFi into the game, but as to what it could be used for, we can only assume.

So, while this game hasn’t been released yet, let’s just cross our fingers and hope that the game gets released soon, if at all. Check back maybe tomorrow, maybe next week, maybe next month! And hopefully, we’d be able to hook you guys up with the first finished version of the game!

Txet Tsiwt!!! ZOMG! - Image 1 Txet Tsiwt!!! ZOMG! - Image 2 Txet Tsiwt!!! ZOMG! - Image 3

Text Twist on DS... under development?

Thumbs up, anagram fans! A lot of us love Text Twist, and surely some of us have probably found ourselves addicted to it, playing the game hours on end, losing sleep and our social life. Now, for something like a homebrew Text Twist to come to the DS… That’s just absolutely ZOMG-worthy!

BUT! Before we get ahead of ourselves here, here’s a disclaimer: this concept is still in the works, and, for all intents and purposes, is filed under a rumor (as for now). But we are very excited about it (which translates to more sleepless nights waiting for its release).

Blahh, who came up with these screenshots, has just started developing the game using PAlib. He’s almost gotten the letter-twisting function done already, but he still has to load up an array words for the game. He also plans to incorporate WiFi into the game, but as to what it could be used for, we can only assume.

So, while this game hasn’t been released yet, let’s just cross our fingers and hope that the game gets released soon, if at all. Check back maybe tomorrow, maybe next week, maybe next month! And hopefully, we’d be able to hook you guys up with the first finished version of the game!

Txet Tsiwt!!! ZOMG! - Image 1 Txet Tsiwt!!! ZOMG! - Image 2 Txet Tsiwt!!! ZOMG! - Image 3

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