Text-messager’s thumb condition diagnosed in New Zealand girl

Text-messager's thumb: a condition where the tendons in the thumb become inflamed - Image 1For those of you who can’t pry their hands off their cell phones from texting your loved ones, beware. You may be setting yourself up for texting tenosynovitis, a condition where the tendons along the thumb and side of the wrists become inflamed – clearly a case where having too much of a good thing can also be bad for you.

Check out the full article after the jump!

Text-messager's thumb: caused by inflamed tendons in the thumb and wrist sides - Image 1Here’s a public safety warning for those people who enjoy texting on their mobile phones: beware of texting tenosynovitis. A student in New Zealand was diagnosed with the first ever case of text-messager’s thumb.

Texting tenosynovitis is a condition where the tendons along the thumb and side of the wrist are inflamed and filled the surrounding tissue with fluid. This was first reported by the Sunday Star-Times, quoting a report in the New Zealand Medical Journal.

Two other cases of the ailment were also reported in a school-aged child in Singapore and a 13-year old girl in Australia. This is clearly a situation where having too much of a good thing can also be bad for you.

The authors of the report, Emma Storr and Mark Stringer, noted that text-messager’s thumb was most likely going to turn into growing trend given the popularity of text messaging on mobile phones.

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