TGS 2006 Jeanne d’Arc news and screens
Level 5 set up a demonstration of Jeanne d’Arc at TGS 2006 and said that the game was going to be released in Japan on November 22. The game demo showed some of the demonic forces Jeanne and her team has to go up against (unlike the real Jeanne of Arc, this one doesn’t battle the English). The cel-shaded graphics and RPG strategy and gameplay makes this one very appealing to us RPG geeks here at QJ, and we’re hoping the story is as interesting as it looks. We like the anime splendor of the cinematics (reminds me a lot of Studio Ghibli; another writer said the lady with the sword below looks like Marle from Chrono Trigger, but I don’t see it).
Anyway, check out the images below for a closer look at the turn-based chessboard/tactics gameplay and for a glimpse at some of the power-ups and special moves. See tons more images after the jump (click on the Full Article link below).
Level 5 set up a demonstration of Jeanne d’Arc at TGS 2006 and said that the game was going to be released in Japan on November 22. The game demo showed some of the demonic forces Jeanne and her team has to go up against (unlike the real Jeanne of Arc, this one doesn’t battle the English). The cel-shaded graphics and RPG strategy and gameplay makes this one very appealing to us RPG geeks here at QJ, and we’re hoping the story is as interesting as it looks. We like the anime splendor of the cinematics (reminds me a lot of Studio Ghibli; another writer said the lady with the sword below looks like Marle from Chrono Trigger, but I don’t see it).
Anyway, check out the images below for a closer look at the turn-based chessboard/tactics gameplay and for a glimpse at some of the power-ups and special moves.