TGS 2006 – Sony Booth Pictorial

TGS 2006

Given that they had around 200 plus PS3’s on the floor, they better have backed that up with content or the fans would’ve gone bonkers. Despite the fact that Ken Katuragi’s key-note speech didn’t really give out a lot of details, most of what Sony had on the floor was actually decent and mostly playable content. Thank bob Sony delivered this TGS 2006.

Warhawk, Resistance: Fall of Man, and Heavenly Sword were the games that dominated the floor space with their humongous displays. For the portable crowd, Sony set up a Playstation Spot area where attendees could charge and download the latest material for their PSPs. Trailers, demos, and other digital goodies were up for download. The PSP booth that gathered the biggest crowd of PSP fans was the kiosk for Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops.

Check out the pictures below, and see the crowd for yourself.

Sony - Image 1 Sony - Image 2 Sony - Image 3 Sony - Image 4 
Sony - Image 5 Sony - Image 6 Sony - Image 7


TGS 2006

Given that they had around 200 plus PS3’s on the floor, they better have backed that up with content or the fans would’ve gone bonkers. Despite the fact that Ken Katuragi’s key-note speech didn’t really give out a lot of details, most of what Sony had on the floor was actually decent and mostly playable content. Thank bob Sony delivered this TGS 2006.

Warhawk, Resistance: Fall of Man, and Heavenly Sword were the games that dominated the floor space with their humongous displays. For the portable crowd, Sony set up a Playstation Spot area where attendees could charge and download the latest material for their PSPs. Trailers, demos, and other digital goodies were up for download. The PSP booth that gathered the biggest crowd of PSP fans was the kiosk for Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops.

Check out the pictures below, and see the crowd for yourself.

Sony - Image 1 Sony - Image 2 Sony - Image 3 Sony - Image 4 
Sony - Image 5 Sony - Image 6 Sony - Image 7


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