TGS 2007: Yakuza 3 Battle, Cast and Adventure trailer videos
In the videogaming world, there’s nothing cooler than being a samurai. Well, maybe a ninja would be a bit cooler, but they’re on the same category, that being they’re capable of superhuman feats of strength and they carry around sticks of sharp metal death with them. This three-hit combo of Yakuza 3 videos fresh from TGS 2007 shows us nothing but that, as well as a little comedy on the side.
So what exactly about Yakuza 3 should we be excited about? Why, the chance to live like a samurai, of course – and one that doesn’t necessarily play by the rules. In these videos, we get a sneak peek at the game’s combat system, its top-notch visuals, as well as its refreshing ability of not taking itself too seriously. We also get acquainted behind the voices (and faces) of the legendary warriors you’ll be coming face-to-face with.
Definitely a cut above the rest, Sega‘s Yakuza 3 is. Enjoy the videos!
The other videos after the jump!
In the videogaming world, there’s nothing cooler than being a samurai. Well, maybe a ninja would be a bit cooler, but they’re on the same category, that being they’re capable of superhuman feats of strength and they carry around sticks of sharp metal death with them. This three-hit combo of Yakuza 3 videos fresh from TGS 2007 shows us nothing but that, as well as a little comedy on the side.
So what exactly about Yakuza 3 should we be excited about? Why, the chance to live like a samurai, of course – and one that doesn’t necessarily play by the rules. In these videos, we get a sneak peek at the game’s combat system, its top-notch visuals, as well as its refreshing ability of not taking itself too seriously. We also get acquainted behind the voices (and faces) of the legendary warriors you’ll be coming face-to-face with.
Definitely a cut above the rest, Sega‘s Yakuza 3 is. Enjoy the videos!