The First Next Gen Baseball Game Comes to Bat Next Month
2k Sport’s next game to hit the 360 will be Major League Baseball 2k6 which is being released on Gamecube, PSP, PS2 and Xbox as well. 2k is taking an extra couple of weeks to work on the 360 version to try to set it apart from the current-gen versions. The main difference between the 360 and Xbox version seems to be the graphics upgrade that 360 owners will get so I’m not sure if that is worth the extra $10 bucks or not but you can decide that yourself from the screenshots.

360 Screens
Xbox Screens
2k Sport’s next game to hit the 360 will be Major League Baseball 2k6 which is being released on Gamecube, PSP, PS2 and Xbox as well. 2k is taking an extra couple of weeks to work on the 360 version to try to set it apart from the current-gen versions. The main difference between the 360 and Xbox version seems to be the graphics upgrade that 360 owners will get so I’m not sure if that is worth the extra $10 bucks or not but you can decide that yourself from the screenshots.

360 Screens
Xbox Screens