The First PlayStation 3 Story

This Is LivingLast September 02, we reported on the advertisement currently being ran by Sony for PS3. If you watch the ad from YouTube very carefully though, you are sure to understand that the montage of pictures and sound is not the commercial per se.

It is more like the commercials’ commercial, if you get what we mean. It specifically says there that Sony will release 6 short films on PlayStation 3 beginning September 4. That is why, it seems to lack coherence – without a plot, low-def, undeserving of this next-gen console. If this is the case, where are the real ads then?

Don’t worry they are here, or at least the first one is. We got you covered. The First PS3 Story (as Sony refers to them) is available for download below. The file is 75 MB and is in HD. Listen well to the narration as it talks about the real-time aspects of PS3. Furthermore, it focuses on the benefits of a non-scripted AI. It runs for 3 minutes and 20 seconds.

What makes this video more interesting is that it uses a short clip from the game Resistance: Fall of Man. Now, if those aren’t enough reasons to take a look at the video, then we don’t know anymore what are.

Download: [First PS3 Story Video]

Via PlaySyde

This Is LivingLast September 02, we reported on the advertisement currently being ran by Sony for PS3. If you watch the ad from YouTube very carefully though, you are sure to understand that the montage of pictures and sound is not the commercial per se.

It is more like the commercials’ commercial, if you get what we mean. It specifically says there that Sony will release 6 short films on PlayStation 3 beginning September 4. That is why, it seems to lack coherence – without a plot, low-def, undeserving of this next-gen console. If this is the case, where are the real ads then?

Don’t worry they are here, or at least the first one is. We got you covered. The First PS3 Story (as Sony refers to them) is available for download below. The file is 75 MB and is in HD. Listen well to the narration as it talks about the real-time aspects of PS3. Furthermore, it focuses on the benefits of a non-scripted AI. It runs for 3 minutes and 20 seconds.

What makes this video more interesting is that it uses a short clip from the game Resistance: Fall of Man. Now, if those aren’t enough reasons to take a look at the video, then we don’t know anymore what are.

Download: [First PS3 Story Video]

Via PlaySyde

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