The plot thickens: Prince of Persia ‘Light and Dark’ Art Trailer
The Ubisoft team working on Prince of Persia sure doesn’t hesitate to jump on every chance to boast their cel-shaded artwork for the game. They’ve a right to, mind you – the art in this PoP title is definitely breath-taking; it’s one of the many appeals that this game has under its silken belt. Enter the Light and Dark Art trailer. Other than the art, we get a special treat too: bits of the story were put in place as well. Watch the trailer in the full article for some epic LotR shivers.
The Ubisoft team working on Prince of Persia sure doesn’t hesitate to jump on every chance to boast their cel-shaded artwork for the game. They’ve a right to, mind you – the art in this PoP title is definitely breath-taking; it’s one of the many appeals that this game has under its silken belt. Enter the Light and Dark Art trailer.
The trailer doesn’t do much if all you’re looking for is gameplay. However, if you fancy seeing the behind-the-scenes art direction put into the game, then look no further. We get a special treat other than art too. Bits of the story are set in place to give you that epic LotR vibe as well.
Ubisoft’s Prince of Persia for the the PS3, Xbox 360, PC, and DS is set to sizzle this Christmas season with a retail release on December 2.
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