They did say it was only temporary: Columbia films back on Netflix-XBL

Sony movies return to NXE Netflix - Image 1Xbox 360 gamers were up in arms recently when movies from Sony‘s Columbia Pictures were pulled from Netflix’s Xbox Live service. The angry mob should disperse now as the films are back online.

Sony movies return to NXE Netflix - Image 1Xbox 360 gamers were up in arms recently when movies from Columbia Pictures were pulled from Netflix’s Xbox Live service.

Since Columbia Pictures is owned by Sony, speculation spread like wildfire that the company pulled the films from Xbox Live intentionally so they can cripple their rival.

Rumors persisted despite Netflix‘s statement that the unavailability of certain titles are only temporary, and that they were only in the process of licensing their content.

The angry mob should lower their pitchforks now as titles from Columbia Pictures are now back up on the service.

Sony’s side of the picture:


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