Things we will learn from TBC
11 more days to go before World of Warcraft’s expansion, The Burning Crusade, hits store shelves. In spite of the speculated problems that TBC might bring, WoW aficionados can’t keep themselves from being excited about it and from sharing their opinions on why TBS will definitely rock.
Over at the WoW official forums, there is an interesting thread wherein players have listed down a list of what The Burning Crusade will teach us. Here’s a sample of that list from WoW player, Kallen.
- Hunters level faster than the general population
- Your T2 gear is actually going to last you quite awhile
- Raiding Guilds will Always have better stuff than non-raiders
- More guilds will start casually raiding
- MC is even more fun at 70
- World PvP events are rarely controlled by horde on PvE servers
- Outland is going to be the new Tauren Mill bloodbath on PvP servers
- Nobody will ever run Dire Maul again, and in a year new players wont even know it exists.
- Mages will be the most hated class after they get their stealth ability
That’s a nice list of things to learn. But for me, I think what I need to learn are that I have to stay really patient (servers might get clogged), that I would not sell any body part to have money for WoW, and the fact that even after rigorous beta testing, there is always the possibility of bugs. There, I just shared mine, you could also share yours if you feel like it.
11 more days to go before World of Warcraft’s expansion, The Burning Crusade, hits store shelves. In spite of the speculated problems that TBC might bring, WoW aficionados can’t keep themselves from being excited about it and from sharing their opinions on why TBS will definitely rock.
Over at the WoW official forums, there is an interesting thread wherein players have listed down a list of what The Burning Crusade will teach us. Here’s a sample of that list from WoW player, Kallen.
- Hunters level faster than the general population
- Your T2 gear is actually going to last you quite awhile
- Raiding Guilds will Always have better stuff than non-raiders
- More guilds will start casually raiding
- MC is even more fun at 70
- World PvP events are rarely controlled by horde on PvE servers
- Outland is going to be the new Tauren Mill bloodbath on PvP servers
- Nobody will ever run Dire Maul again, and in a year new players wont even know it exists.
- Mages will be the most hated class after they get their stealth ability
That’s a nice list of things to learn. But for me, I think what I need to learn are that I have to stay really patient (servers might get clogged), that I would not sell any body part to have money for WoW, and the fact that even after rigorous beta testing, there is always the possibility of bugs. There, I just shared mine, you could also share yours if you feel like it.