Third-party Wii games not doing well in Japan, says Suda 51
It’s a known fact: third-party Wii games aren’t selling quite as well as titles developed by Nintendo’s in-house studios. So when Suda 51 complains about it, we know that he’s speaking the truth, and not sourgraping about the public’s lukewarm reception towards his game, No More Heroes . More details in the full article.
Recently, Wii software sales numbers from third-party companies aren’t turning out quite well, despite the soaring console sales for the Wii console. So when Goichi Suda said that “only Nintendo titles are doing well,” he’s got numbers to back up his claim. Impressive review scores for his Wii action title No More Heroes did not help much in getting the interest of most Japanese gamers. Suda 51 said:
Whilst the sales weren’t as high as I hoped, other titles for Wii aren’t selling so well either. Only Nintendo titles are doing well. This isn’t just because of the current situation in Japan, as this is happening outside Japan.
Those who are following Wii software sales charts may notice that even big name third-party software publishers such as Square Enix, Namco Bandai, and Capcom are trailing behind Nintendo’s titles.Nintendo leads with a comfortable 8 million game copies sold while the closest competitor is only at the 658,000 unit mark.