This is the DigitalLife: XBLA Small Arms

This is just the second Small Arms gameplay vid we’ve seen. This time it was the game making the rounds during the recent DigitalLife conference in New York. This vid was taken by godfree7 for Gamertag Radio. And it is still the same fast-paced, Megaman/Power Stone/oh what the hell, just blast-em-all Live Arcade title that Gastronaut Studios set out to create.

It’s only a two player fight – and it begins embarrassingly with one player falling off a bridge – but it contains as much flying lead, shrapnel, and dust trails as a four-player mash-em-up. In fact, if we may stick our necks out, even more flying lead, shrapnel, and dust trails because these two go at each other like rabid gun-arm toting dogs. They go long-range, melee, long range again, sky-high, on the ground – you catch our drift, right? If not, there’s the vid below to see what we’re talking about.

This is just the second Small Arms gameplay vid we’ve seen. This time it was the game making the rounds during the recent DigitalLife conference in New York. This vid was taken by godfree7 for Gamertag Radio. And it is still the same fast-paced, Megaman/Power Stone/oh what the hell, just blast-em-all Live Arcade title that Gastronaut Studios set out to create.

It’s only a two player fight – and it begins embarrassingly with one player falling off a bridge – but it contains as much flying lead, shrapnel, and dust trails as a four-player mash-em-up. In fact, if we may stick our necks out, even more flying lead, shrapnel, and dust trails because these two go at each other like rabid gun-arm toting dogs. They go long-range, melee, long range again, sky-high, on the ground – you catch our drift, right? If not, there’s the vid below to see what we’re talking about.

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