THQ bringing Age of Empires to the DS with Age of Empires: Mythologies
THQ has announced that it’ll be bringing Age of Empires back onto the Nintendo DS with Age of Empires: Mythologies. Learn more about this exciting announcement by going to the full article after the jump!
Massive Greek armies on the DS? That certainly deserves some attention in our book! THQ has announced that it’ll be bringing Age of Empires back onto the Nintendo DS with Age of Empires: Mythologies.
As you can probably guess, Age of Empires: Mythologies is a mythological spin-off of the Age of Empires series, bringing three cultures together in the harmonious sounds of swords and death screams.
As Kevin Kraff, THQ’s VP of Global Brand Management, put it:
Age of Empires: Mythologies will combine one of the most successful Windows PC franchises of all time with the innovative style and controls of Nintendo DS, bringing a totally unique experience to handheld gamers. With three playable civilizations, a fast-paced combat system and extensive multi-player options, Age of Empires: Mythologies will be one of the must-have tactical strategy games this year.
Expect Age of Empires: Mythologies to hit stores in fall 2008. In the meantime, expect us to bring you more news updates regarding the game as they come.