THQ cancels Frontlines: Fuel of War for PS3, other game titles
When the going gets tough, the tough gets on a canceling frenzy – and it appears that THQ may be in for a rough time this year, as they not only cancelled the PlayStation 3 version of Frontlines: Fuel of War, but a handful of other titles as well. More details in the full article.
It’s always sad when an upcoming game gets cancelled, and even more so when a series itself gets the axe. Such is the case with THQ‘s published fiscal outlook for this year, which announces not only the cancellation of a highly-anticipated title, but the discontinuation of two game franchises that have both left their own tangible mark in this industry. Ouch.
Just what in THQ’s library of games ended up on the chopping block? First off is the PlayStation 3 version of Frontlines: Fuel of War (PS3, Xbox 360, PC). Lots of rumors have been floating around that this version of the game was about to get the axe, and even after a spokesperson from THQ tried to reassure fans, it seems that the worst-case scenario actually did come true. Two other titles, the PS2 version of Destroy All Humans: Big Willy Unleashed (PSP, Wii, PS2), also got the boot.
Feeling a bit sick to your stomach? It only gets bloodier from here on in, as the next victims in this gruesome cadaver line-up are two full-fledged series – namely, the Juiced series and the Stuntman series. It’s to note that while both franchises aren’t quite the headline games from THQ, they were received pretty well by the videogame industry – with the more recent incarnations garnering mostly positive reviews (as well as its own share of fans).
It’s sad to know that we probably won’t be seeing titles from these franchises anytime soon. In any case, updates as we get them, and here’s hoping that we don’t catch wind of any more game cancellations in the future.