THQ on wrestler and fan help with Smackdown vs. Raw development
Playing video games is fun; being in video games is even more fun. Just ask Mr. THQ and Smackdown vs Raw 2008″>Keith Kirby, THQ vice president of production for Smackdown vs. Raw 2008 (PS3, Xbox 360, Wii, DS, PSP). While fan feedback does go a long way in helping a company make a great game, the invaluable feedback provided by actual WWE wrestlers about the game made the cost of obtaining the info well worth the effort.
More on the interview after the jump!
Feedback is important in the making of any game – that includes feedback from both fans and people whose likenesses are starring in your video game. According to THQ and Smackdown vs Raw 2008″>Keith Kirby, vice president of production for the THQ WWE Smackdown vs. Raw series, both wrestler and fan feedback were crucial in the development of WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2008 (PS3, Xbox 360, Wii, DS, PSP).
Kirby recounted how the THQ development team members went the extra mile when it came to gathering feedback for Smackdown vs. Raw 2008. Some of them did their market research by actually visiting online bulletin boards and fan forums and noting the opinions contained therein.
Other members of the THQ development team invested a lot of time and money in renting a bus with which to follow the WWE wrestlers around in order to record their voices and take photos of them. Fortunately, Kirby cited the good business relationship between THQ and WWE and also noted that the wrestlers enjoyed playtesting Smackdown vs. Raw 2008.
Kirby also talked about other things, such as the new features in WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2008 and the challenges of releasing a WWE Smackdown vs. Raw game every twelve months. If you’d like more information regarding what Mr. Kirby said regarding these topics, simply follow the source link below back to the full interview.