Three Army of Two trailers: mission briefing, bounties, extractions, and more

Three new trailers of Army of Two: mission briefing, bounties, extractions, more - Image 1Still want to know more about Electronic ArtsArmy of Two? Here’s three brand new trailers to let you guys in what’s really going on in the game itself.

From mission briefings to the types of missions that can be encountered, witness them all in the full article.

Electronic ArtsArmy of Two (PlayStation 3, Xbox 360) was released last March 4, 2008. If you guys are still unsure whether to get the game or not, here are three new trailers to let you guys have more information regarding the game.

Going down the details of these videos, we’ll be keeping it short so as to not detract you from all your viewing pleasure. The first one’s a cinematic trailer on how Rios and Salem do their work, whether they’re on land or air. The second one is a mission briefing trailer wherein these duo get the 411 on what they have to accomplish.

The third one, on the other hand, focuses more on the three Cs of the game: combat, camaraderie and, of course, cash. These aspects are really what makes the game tick. In any case, do enjoy the videos below, and remember to check stores for availability of this game.

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