Tokyo Game Show 2008 date revealed: October 9 to 12
Did you miss last year’s Tokyo Game Show 2007? If you did, then you might want to know that the dates for TGS 2008 have already been announced.
If you don’t know what the event is about, here’s a short recap of our experiences last year: news about upcoming video games, countless trailers, and beautiful booth babes. Sounds like fun? Well, it is. Head on over to the full article to find out more.
Did you miss last year’s Tokyo Game Show? If you did, then you might want to know that the dates for TGS 2008 have already been released.
Those who plan on attending should clear their schedules from October 9 all the way to October 12. Be advised though that the event will only be open to the public on the last two days.
If you don’t know what the TGS is all about, here’s a short recap of what happened last year. During the event, we heard news about upcoming video games from Sony, Microsoft, Square-Enix and more. Simply put, any self-respecting gamers just couldn’t simply miss the show.
In addition to that, we also saw countless of trailers and checked out all the beautiful booth babes. While things seemed to start a bit slowly, the last day saw the attendance shooting up by a huge number.
For those who can’t make it to the event tough need not worry for you still have us, QJ.NET. You should check back here during those dates because we’ll be bringing you guys all the latest news from TGS 2008 the soonest time possible.
Via NikkeiBP