.Torrent4PSP – convert torrents for CTorrentPSP
If you found danzel’s CTorrentPSP very useful, here’s an online homebrew program which will make life easier for you. Sony Playstation Portable coder DeMoN X’s .Torrent4PSP enables you to convert all kinds of torrents to make them compatible with CTorrentPSP. More details after the jump.
Visit: QJ PSP Development Forums
For fans of danzel’s CTorrentPSP, Sony Playstation Portable developer DeMoN X made your lives easier with the release of .Torrent4PSP. This online homebrew program, only available via PSP Browser, allows you to convert all kinds of torrents to make them compatible with CTorrentPSP. Now, that’s convenience right there.
DeMoN X dropped by the QJ.NET PSP Forums to guide us with the nitty-gritty on .TorrentPSP. CTorrentPSP should be installed first. Here are the instructions straight from the dev:
- Copy ctorrentpsp folder to PSP/GAME
- Rename ctorrentpsp to ct
- Change kernel to 3.90 for GAME (This will be solved when a 1.50 version comes out hopefully)
Download and save torrents in your PSP then access .Torrent4PSP from this address, http://tinyurl.com/2ky4gk . This server should convert all kinds of torrents.
Some issues are at hand though as pointed by DeMoN X. Among them are user agents, session ID implementation, and the deletion of torrents after 24 hours. But rest assured that the dev is now working on these bugs.
To make sure you won’t get lost along the way, DeMoN X provided a walkthrough video for .Torrent4PSP. Make sure you make time for this vid before doing anything.
Visit: QJ PSP Development Forums