Trailer videos: the tough choices of a Splinter Cell agent
Welcome to a different breed of Splinter Cell. The three new trailers we have today make that pretty clear – it’s all about choice now. And living with them. Yeah, we’ve talked about it before, every chance we get (such as the jailbreak walkthrough). But no one but Splinter Cell agent Sam Fisher himself says it best:
“Killing thousands to save millions… No one should have to make these choices.”
If the minute-and-a-half-long trailer we’re showing you (courtesy of YouTube patron Nobodymrb) doesn’t bring the gravity of such choices home to you, then perhaps these two available-from-download trailers courtesy of Gamespot will. We picked these because, damn, nothing says “damned if you do/damned if you don’t” like these two trailers. They say geopolitics knows no conscience. Tell that to the guy who has to pull the trigger: Fisher. Or more appropriately, you.
Download: [Splinter Cell: Double Agent Trailer 1]
Download: [Splinter Cell: Double Agent Trailer 2]
Welcome to a different breed of Splinter Cell. The three new trailers we have today make that pretty clear – it’s all about choice now. And living with them. Yeah, we’ve talked about it before, every chance we get (such as the jailbreak walkthrough). But no one but Splinter Cell agent Sam Fisher himself says it best:
“Killing thousands to save millions… No one should have to make these choices.”
If the minute-and-a-half-long trailer we’re showing you (courtesy of YouTube patron Nobodymrb) doesn’t bring the gravity of such choices home to you, then perhaps these two available-from-download trailers courtesy of Gamespot will. We picked these because, damn, nothing says “damned if you do/damned if you don’t” like these two trailers. They say geopolitics knows no conscience. Tell that to the guy who has to pull the trigger: Fisher. Or more appropriately, you.
Download: [Splinter Cell: Double Agent Trailer 1]
Download: [Splinter Cell: Double Agent Trailer 2]