Tseric: A new Rage formula is out, grab your calculators

Warrior - Image 1The ever reliable Tseric informed that the old Rage formula is now obsolete. Of course this bit of information from him didn’t just come out of the blue, or his blue text, without any prior inquiry. It was Kannouteki who first inquired if it was possible to get a new Rage formula in light of the 2.0.10 patch.

Here’s Tseric and his explanation:

Ok, so the old rage formula averaged a Warrior’s rage with 2.5 times weapon speed.

Main hand hit: 2.5*speed
Off hand hit: 1.25*speed
Main hand crit: 5*speed
Off hand crit: 2.5*speed

The change that occurred in the 2.0.10 patch increased the multiplier to 3.5 times weapon speed.

Main hand hit: 3.5*speed
Off hand hit: 1.75*speed
Main hand crit: 7*speed
Off hand crit: 3.5*speed

That is what was changed.

Rage Gained from dealing damage = ((Damage Dealt) / (Rage Conversion at Your Level) * 7.5 + (Weapon Speed * Factor))/2

There you go: Enlightenment from speculation courtesy of a World of Warcraft Forum “Blue” er, we mean Blizzard Poster. Needless to say, the forum folks are enjoying this new-found attention from Tseric. Aw, they like getting noticed. How sweet.

Via WoW Forums

Warrior - Image 1The ever reliable Tseric informed that the old Rage formula is now obsolete. Of course this bit of information from him didn’t just come out of the blue, or his blue text, without any prior inquiry. It was Kannouteki who first inquired if it was possible to get a new Rage formula in light of the 2.0.10 patch.

Here’s Tseric and his explanation:

Ok, so the old rage formula averaged a Warrior’s rage with 2.5 times weapon speed.

Main hand hit: 2.5*speed
Off hand hit: 1.25*speed
Main hand crit: 5*speed
Off hand crit: 2.5*speed

The change that occurred in the 2.0.10 patch increased the multiplier to 3.5 times weapon speed.

Main hand hit: 3.5*speed
Off hand hit: 1.75*speed
Main hand crit: 7*speed
Off hand crit: 3.5*speed

That is what was changed.

Rage Gained from dealing damage = ((Damage Dealt) / (Rage Conversion at Your Level) * 7.5 + (Weapon Speed * Factor))/2

There you go: Enlightenment from speculation courtesy of a World of Warcraft Forum “Blue” er, we mean Blizzard Poster. Needless to say, the forum folks are enjoying this new-found attention from Tseric. Aw, they like getting noticed. How sweet.

Via WoW Forums

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