TTLDE email plugin released! Email your Lua files now!
youresam, one of the best PSP Lua developers out there has made another great contribution. A TTLDE/TwinTail LDE email plugin! TwinTail LDE is a text editor written in Lua by Ema, and used to edit Lua scripts while inside of your PSP A few of the features include Windows style selection, cut, copy, paste & search, Multi document interface, and even a plugin handler.
Anyways, the plugin allows you to send your TTLDE-created files thru email! Yes, although it’s a bit rough right now, it shows amazing promise. The usage is pretty self-explanatory, so I’ll skip to the bugs. There’s a couple of them.
- You can’t send a readme.txt file. The reason is unknown, so let’s hope it’s fixed somehow.
- The first row of the OSK is hidden. It can’t be fixed without editing the OSK source code.
If your Wifi light turns off, you need to “Restore Default Settings”. If it just freezes, try again. If it does it again, “Restore Default Settings”. Let us know how this works out for you in the comments!
Download: [TTLDE Email Plugin]
Download: [TTLDE v2.0]
View: [Forum Release Thread]
youresam, one of the best PSP Lua developers out there has made another great contribution. A TTLDE/TwinTail LDE email plugin! TwinTail LDE is a text editor written in Lua by Ema, and used to edit Lua scripts while inside of your PSP A few of the features include Windows style selection, cut, copy, paste & search, Multi document interface, and even a plugin handler.
Anyways, the plugin allows you to send your TTLDE-created files thru email! Yes, although it’s a bit rough right now, it shows amazing promise. The usage is pretty self-explanatory, so I’ll skip to the bugs. There’s a couple of them.
- You can’t send a readme.txt file. The reason is unknown, so let’s hope it’s fixed somehow.
- The first row of the OSK is hidden. It can’t be fixed without editing the OSK source code.
If your Wifi light turns off, you need to “Restore Default Settings”. If it just freezes, try again. If it does it again, “Restore Default Settings”. Let us know how this works out for you in the comments!
Download: [TTLDE Email Plugin]
Download: [TTLDE v2.0]
View: [Forum Release Thread]