U.S. Virtual Console future releases: Pengo, Super Fantasy Zone
Craving for more retro games on your Nintendo Wii system? Well, you are in luck as we managed to find classic titles newly rated by the Entertainment Software Ratings Board (ESRB).
They are Pengo and Super Fantasy Zone. To know more about these titles, just click the “read more” link below. It should take you to the full article where more details can be found.
A quick search over at the official website of the Entertainment Software Ratings Board (ESRB) will yield interesting hints on future U.S Virtual Console releases for the Nintendo Wii. This time, we stumbled upon Super Fantasy Zone and Pengo.
Pengo, for those not old enough to remember, was first released back in 1982 on arcade systems. It features a red penguin who lives in the Antarctic. Our hero is beset by blob-like enemies known as Sno-Bees. The title belongs to the puzzle genre.
The other game, Super Fantasy Zone, was the last entry to the Fantasy Zone series released on Sega Genesis. This title features the character Opa-opa and his quest to avenge the death of his father O-papa against the invading Dark Menon. Nintendo has yet to issue a press release, confirming the exact release date and pricing of the above mentioned games.
Just keep checking back here at QJ.NET as we promise to update you as soon as something comes up.