Uh oh: Nvidia Geforce 9800GTX 3DMark06 scores surface
One of the last 9800GTX-related rumors circulating around the web was that NVIDIA‘s long awaited GeForce 9800GTX was bound to release by the time twin-G92 carrying GeForce 9800GX2, and that’s next month. That came with whispers that the card would flex a rumored G100 chip. Guess we thought wrong. Move on to the full story for dream-shattering 3DMark06 scores of the elusive 9800GTX.
Enthusiasts hanging on to their GTX-slapping G92 GPU cards might want to keep their claws on them a little bit longer: 3DMark06 benchmark scores of the long awaited Geforce 9800GTX have surfaced from review, and the scores aren’t what you’d expect from a card that’s the supposed successor to NVIDIA‘s 8800GTX.
In fact, the 9800GTX rolls in at 14,014 (see image above taken by Expreview) – an approximated 2000 points above an 8800GTX at standard test settings and stock driver settings. But true to NVIDIA’s claim, the 9800GTX performs more or less “on par” with the 8800 Ultra.
So yes, we’re sure your own G92-powered 8800GT could whack this 9800GTX back “from whence it came” – possessing the sweet overclocking potential it has. But what’s disheartening is that the 9800GTX will carry the G92 chip, and that’s retrogressive considering the 9600GT is a G94 model.
The 9800GX2’s case is understandable and can be considered different altogether – heck, it packs twins, and that’ll beat a single bloke any day. But yeah, we know you’re all waiting for the pricey monster just for the integrated HDMI interface.
As we plunge headfirst into March 2008, we’re bound to see the mid-high-end card scoot alongside the soon-to-be GeForce 9 leader, the 9800GX2, and there’s really nothing else to implore from nVidia aside from driver updates to support performance tweaks and stability. More on the latest in graphics hardware as we get them.