Could the rumored 50,000 Xbox 360’s at launch in the UK really be a typo? Or are the self-important antics of game store middle management at it again? This TeamXbox forum user believes the former:
“Ok just got off the phone to my local GAME UK store…the Plymouth,Devon branch. I asked if i needed to bring my receipt to pick-up my pre-order tin..they said no blah blah. I said did the microsoft rep who installs the Demo pods in GAME give out anymore information about the UK launch?. (Was told they do)
He said yes,the real number of Xbox360’s at launch is 500,000..NOT 50,000
Apparently that was a MAJOR missprint in the shareholders booklet and that the UK will get so many (500,000) there will probally be some SPARE in the GAME UK shops floating around.
He then went onto say that if you put a £20 deposit pre-order down with GAME you will now 100% get one!. Hope this news is well recieved. BTW: I trust my GAME shop 100% as they have never told me wrong information ever!”