Ultimate Ghost ‘n Goblins landing on the PSN tomorrow
Capcom‘s doing good on their promise that 2009 will be a big year for their games, particulary for the PSP and PSONe. To start the year off, they are releasing Ultimate Ghost ‘n Goblins on the PSN as soon as tomorrow (whew, that’s a lot of PS!)!
Capcom‘s doing good on their promise that 2009 will be a big year for their games, particulary from the PSP and PSONe. To start the year off, they are releasing Ultimate Ghost ‘n Goblins on the PSN as soon as tomorrow (whew, that’s a lot of PS!)!
UGG is a sidescroller that features the story of Arthur, the heroic knight, as he fights against zombies in his quest to save his beloved princess, Prin Prin. For this PSN port, the 2D gameplay mechs will be retained from the classic franchise, but will entertain you with 3D graphics.
It will be online tomorrow in the PSP Store on PlayStation Network, and will be priced at US$ 19.99. Here, why don’t you check out the video below, just in case you have no idea what to expect from this game, or if you’re just plain a fan of it.