Ultrasn0w update released, now ready to unlock your iPhone 4
Hot on the heels from the recent release of JailbreakMe, the infamous iPhone DevTeam has surfaced again from the underground scene to release a new version of their carrier unlocking tool, ultrasn0w, to finally unlock the iPhone 4.
According to the team, Hot on the heels from the recent release of JailbreakMe, the infamous iPhone DevTeam has surfaced again from the underground scene to release a new version of their carrier unlocking tool, ultrasn0w, to finally unlock the iPhone 4.
According to the team, version 1.0-1 of ultrasn0w will be compatible with:
- iPhone4 baseband 01.59
- 3G/3GS basebands 04.26.08, 05.11.07, 05.12.01 and 05.13.04
The update is now available in Cydia, if not, just add the repo666.ultrasn0w.com in the repository. And while you’re at it, be sure to visit our sister site iPhone User Guide for a more comprehensive iPhone news coverage.
Via [Dev-Team Blog]