Unofficial CSPSP Editor v1.01
Judging from the number of custom maps we’ve been looking at on the blogs, it seems you guys have been enjoying coolguy5678‘s Unofficial CSPSP Editor. For the guys still not in on this PC-based homebrew application, it’s basically a level editor for nataku92‘s famed CSPSP homebrew game – itself a fun adaptation of Valve’s Counter-Strike PC title.
Moving on with the news, coolguy5678 is letting everybody know that he’s releasing v1.01 of his app, which will field these new features:
- Tile Mode: You can now drag the mouse to fill lots of tiles at once
- Tile Mode: Support for maps with more than 16 textures added
- Screenshot taker added (takes a picture of the entire map without grid lines, polygons and waypoints)
- Confirmation to save before exiting and creating new maps added
As always, be sure to check out the bundle’s README for any further details the developer may provide for the release. Enjoy the app and kudos to coolguy5678 too for this update.
Download: [Coolguy 5678’s Unofficial CSPSP Editor v1.01]
Discuss: [Forum Release Thread]
Via coolguy5678
Judging from the number of custom maps we’ve been looking at on the blogs, it seems you guys have been enjoying coolguy5678‘s Unofficial CSPSP Editor. For the guys still not in on this PC-based homebrew application, it’s basically a level editor for nataku92‘s famed CSPSP homebrew game – itself a fun adaptation of Valve’s Counter-Strike PC title.
Moving on with the news, coolguy5678 is letting everybody know that he’s releasing v1.01 of his app, which will field these new features:
- Tile Mode: You can now drag the mouse to fill lots of tiles at once
- Tile Mode: Support for maps with more than 16 textures added
- Screenshot taker added (takes a picture of the entire map without grid lines, polygons and waypoints)
- Confirmation to save before exiting and creating new maps added
As always, be sure to check out the bundle’s README for any further details the developer may provide for the release. Enjoy the app and kudos to coolguy5678 too for this update.
Download: [Coolguy 5678’s Unofficial CSPSP Editor v1.01]
Discuss: [Forum Release Thread]
Via coolguy5678