Unreal Engine 3 MMO in the works; Fat Princess to burst out in 2009
Epic Games China has released a press release officially informing the general gaming public (i.e. us) the opening of Titan Studios. Seems we have a lot to look forward to from the studio; apparently they already have three unannounced games in the works, all running on the Unreal Engine 3. Details after the link.
Epic Games China has released a press release officially informing the general gaming public (i.e. us) the opening of their new subsidiary, Titan Studios, formerly known as Darkstar Industries.
The studio is the one behind the deliciously funny game, Fat Princess, which will come out on the PlayStation Store sometime in 2009.
Fat Princess is a capture-the-flag type game… except the flag is a princess. A princess that likes cake and apparently gets fat pretty easy. You and your team have to plump her up so that the other team will have a harder time taking her back.
It seems we have a lot more to look forward to from Titan Studios. They already have three unannounced games in the works, all of them running on the Unreal Engine 3, the same one that powers Unreal Tournament 3, Gears of War, and Gears of War 2. One of these projects is an MMO. A Fat Princess MMO? Well, maybe not.