*UPDATE* PSP DocMaker GUI v0.2
If Popstations get their own GUIs, why not DocMaker? DocMaker is a tool that generates the PS3-downloaded PSX game’s manual files (document.dat). A document.dat is really no more than a collection of PNG images of a document page (be it a text manual or graphics), so if you’re going to go through the trouble of turning your PSOne collection into something that will play on 3.03 OE-A, why not throw in the game manuals as well?
And this is where TheNameless steps up with PSP DocMaker GUI v0.1. It’s a handy interface that will convert whatever manual came with your PSOne game into a document.dat associated with the Popstation-generated copy of that game. But it doesn’t have to stop at game manuals, says TheNameless. “You can put inside a manual, a game faq, the secret photo of your girlfriend na–“… oh never mind, you get the drift.
File Support for .png;.gif;.cur;.pcx;.ani;.jpg;.jpeg;.bmp;.ico;.emf;.wmf is currently available, though there is still no .pdf and .txt file support at the moment, but it’s being worked on. In the meantime, just scan the manual instead of transcribing it. In the case of stuff from GameFAQs, try printing the thing, then scanning the printed page as an image file.
A few notes though: this only works with 3.03 OE-A. 3.02 OE-B doesn’t support decrypted document.dats. And neither will PlayStation Store-bought PSX games. And as always, read the Readme file.
UPDATE: Now supports .txt files, complete with font select options. That was fast…
Download: [PSP DocMaker GUI v0.2]
Discuss: [Forum Release Thread]
If Popstations get their own GUIs, why not DocMaker? DocMaker is a tool that generates the PS3-downloaded PSX game’s manual files (document.dat). A document.dat is really no more than a collection of PNG images of a document page (be it a text manual or graphics), so if you’re going to go through the trouble of turning your PSOne collection into something that will play on 3.03 OE-A, why not throw in the game manuals as well?
And this is where TheNameless steps up with PSP DocMaker GUI v0.1. It’s a handy interface that will convert whatever manual came with your PSOne game into a document.dat associated with the Popstation-generated copy of that game. But it doesn’t have to stop at game manuals, says TheNameless. “You can put inside a manual, a game faq, the secret photo of your girlfriend na–“… oh never mind, you get the drift.
File Support for .png;.gif;.cur;.pcx;.ani;.jpg;.jpeg;.bmp;.ico;.emf;.wmf is currently available, though there is still no .pdf and .txt file support at the moment, but it’s being worked on. In the meantime, just scan the manual instead of transcribing it. In the case of stuff from GameFAQs, try printing the thing, then scanning the printed page as an image file.
A few notes though: this only works with 3.03 OE-A. 3.02 OE-B doesn’t support decrypted document.dats. And neither will PlayStation Store-bought PSX games. And as always, read the Readme file.
UPDATE: Now supports .txt files, complete with font select options. That was fast…
Download: [PSP DocMaker GUI v0.2]
Discuss: [Forum Release Thread]