US Lost Magic Site Opens

The American website for Lost Magic has opened. This will be the next game to utilize the Nintendo WiFi Connection and will be one of the first quality third-party RPGs for the DS. It should be popular as it seems to fuse two of the largest phenomena in the last decade, Pokemon and Harry Potter. If you’d like more information, check out our previous coverage of the game.

Lost Magic is set for an April 25th release in North America and April 28th release in Europe.

The American website for Lost Magic has opened. This will be the next game to utilize the Nintendo WiFi Connection and will be one of the first quality third-party RPGs for the DS. It should be popular as it seems to fuse two of the largest phenomena in the last decade, Pokemon and Harry Potter. If you’d like more information, check out our previous coverage of the game.

Lost Magic is set for an April 25th release in North America and April 28th release in Europe.

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