US$100 PS3 price cut boosts Amazon PS3 sales up 2800%

PlayStation 3 - Image 1 

Let’s face it – Sony‘s pulled the rug from under us. There wasn’t a day where rumors and estimates of a price cut were shot down in rather judicious fashion by the company itself – and then, suddenly, they spring one on us that’s three digits worth of greenbacks, an amount no one could have predicted. It was a knockout punch, and we were all caught off guard.

And now, the PlayStation 3, often parodied as something akin to a bulky cooking grill named after a legendary heavyweight boxer, is now finally getting the attention it deserves – by attention, yours truly means as selling as hotcakes. This comes from an update directly from Amazon‘s best seller list, where the PS3’s sales rank has not only jumped from a lowly 29 to the number 1, its sales have in fact spiked up to 2800%, bumping off the formidable Wii.

2800%. The figure itself is incredible, to say the least. In the overall scheme of things, a price cut on that level is quite significant, and so is the fans’ reaction (i.e. buying PS3s like a certain breakfast item).

We can only wonder then what other sort of update we’ll be expecting from Sony now – will it be the cardinal truth, or simply another fake-out to set us up for the big whammy later? Only time will tell. Updates as we get them!

PlayStation 3 - Image 1 

Let’s face it – Sony‘s pulled the rug from under us. There wasn’t a day where rumors and estimates of a price cut were shot down in rather judicious fashion by the company itself – and then, suddenly, they spring one on us that’s three digits worth of greenbacks, an amount no one could have predicted. It was a knockout punch, and we were all caught off guard.

And now, the PlayStation 3, often parodied as something akin to a bulky cooking grill named after a legendary heavyweight boxer, is now finally getting the attention it deserves – by attention, yours truly means as selling as hotcakes. This comes from an update directly from Amazon‘s best seller list, where the PS3’s sales rank has not only jumped from a lowly 29 to the number 1, its sales have in fact spiked up to 2800%, bumping off the formidable Wii.

2800%. The figure itself is incredible, to say the least. In the overall scheme of things, a price cut on that level is quite significant, and so is the fans’ reaction (i.e. buying PS3s like a certain breakfast item).

We can only wonder then what other sort of update we’ll be expecting from Sony now – will it be the cardinal truth, or simply another fake-out to set us up for the big whammy later? Only time will tell. Updates as we get them!

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