UShell v0.11


It seems just like yesterday when a homebrew coder called The Unique Warrior released his creation, Ushell v0.10. Whoa, wait…he really just released it yesterday and there may be some who have criticized him, but he seem to not care as he just released an updated version of it.

The dev has released UShell v0.11 through our forums. In case you didn’t read our earlier article about v0.10, then maybe the first thing that comes to mind is this little homebrew app called iR Shell. No one can blame you for that, but let’s shift our attention back to UShell, shall we?

What exactly could it do? The Unique Warrior’s creation could actually play mp3 files located at ms0:/ushell/mp3.mp3. For kicks, he also gave the app the ability to change background, well for now just the background’s color, but in the future, who knows? Aside from that, it also has a counter – an easy-to-use variant according to him.

To use this one, it must be located in the GAME150 folder because it uses the kernel. You should also take note that the download contains  the eBOOT for FW 1.00, 1.50, and 2.71 SE-A. Got it? Now, let’s go over the changelog.

Changelog for v0.11:

  • Fix the bug on mp3 player
  • Now if you select a back ground it will be with you everywhere.
  • Probably new bugs added

Now from the screenshot alone, you may have already realized that this is just in the early stage of a shell, so you be nice to him, its the effort that counts. The dev didn’t mention any future plans for the app, but maybe when the basic functions are already working well, he’ll start working on the GUI. Let’s keep our fingers crossed.

Download: [UShell v0.11]
Discuss: [Forum Release Thread]


It seems just like yesterday when a homebrew coder called The Unique Warrior released his creation, Ushell v0.10. Whoa, wait…he really just released it yesterday and there may be some who have criticized him, but he seem to not care as he just released an updated version of it.

The dev has released UShell v0.11 through our forums. In case you didn’t read our earlier article about v0.10, then maybe the first thing that comes to mind is this little homebrew app called iR Shell. No one can blame you for that, but let’s shift our attention back to UShell, shall we?

What exactly could it do? The Unique Warrior’s creation could actually play mp3 files located at ms0:/ushell/mp3.mp3. For kicks, he also gave the app the ability to change background, well for now just the background’s color, but in the future, who knows? Aside from that, it also has a counter – an easy-to-use variant according to him.

To use this one, it must be located in the GAME150 folder because it uses the kernel. You should also take note that the download contains  the eBOOT for FW 1.00, 1.50, and 2.71 SE-A. Got it? Now, let’s go over the changelog.

Changelog for v0.11:

  • Fix the bug on mp3 player
  • Now if you select a back ground it will be with you everywhere.
  • Probably new bugs added

Now from the screenshot alone, you may have already realized that this is just in the early stage of a shell, so you be nice to him, its the effort that counts. The dev didn’t mention any future plans for the app, but maybe when the basic functions are already working well, he’ll start working on the GUI. Let’s keep our fingers crossed.

Download: [UShell v0.11]
Discuss: [Forum Release Thread]

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