Valve: Why don’t you believe us? Left 4 Dead is not coming to PS3!

Left 4 Dead - Image 1For the nth time, boys and girls, Left 4 Dead is not – we repeat – NOT coming to the PlayStation 3. Different Valve folks have already quashed this rumor, but somehow, it just won’t die. Like a persistent cockroach running around your kitchen floor. Squish away at the full article.

Left 4 Dead not for PS3 - Image 1 

Let’s put this rumor to rest once and for all, shall we? Is Left 4 Dead coming or not to the PlayStation 3? Valve’s Chet Faliszek gives out a definitive statement sealing the fate of the much-rumored port to the PS3:

Many people say that they heard rumors that Left 4 Dead is coming to PS3, however despite telling them this isn’t true they still don’t believe us, what more can we say than it is not.

Yeah, why don’t you believe them when they say it’s not coming? Ironically enough, this rumor takes on the character of the zombies that stubbornly just won’t die no matter how many shots you fire at it.

But there, hopefully we won’t hear any more of these speculations that Left 4 Dead still has a fighting chance of seeing the light of day on the PS3. Unless there really is some hope somewhere. Tracing it back, I think it’s Doug Lombardi‘s fault. Remember that interview he had back in March? He said:  “If folks want to do a PS3 version, we’re open to talk with third parties about that.” Turns out that was just a probability – a very vague probability.

So don’t get your hopes up every single time a “source from inside” says there’s talks on a PS3 port for Left 4 Dead. We’ll probably hold Faliszek on his word for this one now.

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Via Destructoid

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