Vid: Homebrew enabler for PSP-3000 using Euro GripShift exploit
The PSP homebrew community‘s working on overtime since the discovery of the exploit found in GripShift. The guys from PSPGEN already have a working Homebrew Enabler that was made using the exploit. Vid after the link.
Big thanks to Wiggunow for the tip!
Visit: QJ.NET PSP Development Forums
*UPDATE* Exploit was created using Team C+D leak. Link.
The PSP homebrew community‘s working on overtime since the discovery of the exploit found in GripShift. The guys from PSPGEN already have a working Homebrew Enabler that was made using the exploit. (For the record, they used the European version of GripShift.) The HEN enables both user and kernel mode homebrew. Here’s a vid:
I don’t have to tell you guys how great this news is. BUT. But they don’t plan to come out with a public release just yet to prevent Sony from patching this exploit. We’re likely to see further developments on this real soon, and we’ll keep you posted as always. In the meantime, you can visit our forums to join in on the discussion about the vid.
Big thanks to Wiggunow for the tip!
Visit: QJ.NET PSP Development Forums
*UPDATE* Exploit was created using Team C+D leak. Link.
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