Video from the Square Enix Party: Dragon Quest Swords
The sound quality may be a bit on the bad side, but these two shaky cam videos from the Square Enix Party – uploaded on YouTube by mirafi – definitely gives us a clearer picture of what to expect from Dragon Quest Swords for the Wii.
One video shows off what appears to be an extended trailer for the game. The other appears to be a straightforward gameplay demo. We’d like to talk about it more, but we figured that you’d rather watch it than read about it. So enough words, click play and enjoy!
Watch the next video after the Jump!
The sound quality may be a bit on the bad side, but these two shaky cam videos from the Square Enix Party – uploaded on YouTube by mirafi – definitely gives us a clearer picture of what to expect from Dragon Quest Swords for the Wii.
One video shows off what appears to be an extended trailer for the game. The other appears to be a straightforward gameplay demo. We’d like to talk about it more, but we figured that you’d rather watch it than read about it. So enough words, click play and enjoy!