Video: Hail to the Chimp debut trailer

Multi-animal mayhem and cartoony violence headed your way in this debut trailer of Wideload GamesHail to the Chimp for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. We give you the sneak peek into the game that looks to bring back the rip-roaring slapstick humor that the likes of Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck pioneered.

As usual, the graphics are looking gorgeous, with some nifty cel-shading going on with the environment and the characters. The sound effects are sharp and have impact, and they certainly remain faithful to the slapstick POWs and WHAMs. The backdrops are also looking pretty sweet, but from the looks of the frantic gameplay of beating the stuffing out of each other, you probably won’t even have time to appreciate them.

Certainly a bold title coming from the likes of Wideload Games and GameCock. More updates about Hail to the Chimp as we get them – in the meantime, enjoy the video.

Multi-animal mayhem and cartoony violence headed your way in this debut trailer of Wideload GamesHail to the Chimp for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. We give you the sneak peek into the game that looks to bring back the rip-roaring slapstick humor that the likes of Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck pioneered.

As usual, the graphics are looking gorgeous, with some nifty cel-shading going on with the environment and the characters. The sound effects are sharp and have impact, and they certainly remain faithful to the slapstick POWs and WHAMs. The backdrops are also looking pretty sweet, but from the looks of the frantic gameplay of beating the stuffing out of each other, you probably won’t even have time to appreciate them.

Certainly a bold title coming from the likes of Wideload Games and GameCock. More updates about Hail to the Chimp as we get them – in the meantime, enjoy the video.

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