Video of the DS 1seg TV tuner attachment in action
With 1seg gaining a stronger foothold in Japan than ever before, Nintendo has opted to follow in Sony‘s footsteps and release a 1seg TV tuner attachment for their own handheld console. GameBrink has gotten the dish on the latest DS accessory, along with a video that details all the features that the Nintendo DS 1seg TV tuner carries. Check out the video and some of the tuner’s features at the full article. The tuner hits Japan later this month.
GameBrink has posted a pretty intensive look at the new 1seg TV tuner for the Nintendo DS. All of it comes from a Japanese TV spot which shows the new tuner attachment in action. You can read about a few of the 1seg TV tuner‘s features below. First, here’s the video:
According to GameBrink, aside from acting as the remote control, the DS’s touch screen can also be used for jotting down notes. It’s especially useful when watching cooking shows and the like. The 1seg tuner also lets users take a snapshot of a show when the captioning changes, essentially turning a TV show into a kind of picture book.
Users can also change the aspect ratio of a TV show on the DS screen if they want to view all the action on a show that has an aspect ratio of 16:9, for example. The tuner also comes with a special mountable antenna for getting hard to reach signals.
The Nintendo DS 1seg TV tuner attachment will become available in Japan on November 23 for a suggested retail price of 6,800 yen (about US$ 60).