Video: Portal theme song Still Alive in Japanese by Vocaloid
Now this is a triumph. A video of Portal‘s (Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PC) theme song, Still Alive, being sung by the Japanese synthesizer application Vocaloid has surfaced. It’s not by Valve, but appropriate translation and a voice very similar to GLaDOS’ make it sound very authentic. Check it out at the full article.
Vocaloid is a very nifty application, and not because we enjoy listening to digital girls singing. What makes it so great is you can make your own Japanese translation of Portal‘s Still Alive theme song, then let Vocaloid do the rest to hear a version that sounds like an official release by Valve.
Okay, so maybe GLaDOS is also just computer generated. We still love Still Alive, and the video below in which you can listen to the song in Japanese made us passionately hug our companion cubes in delight.
For those who haven’t heard of Yamaha’s ingenious product, Vocaloid is a synthesizer that can put lyrics and melody together to produce a song done by a digital voice. There are now three voice characters available, namely Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin, and Len. Len is the first male voice in the series, and it comes bundled with Kagamine Rin.
Speaking of bundles, everyone should know that Portal is a puzzle game included in all iterations of The Orange Box on the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC as a bonus. Here’s Portal‘s theme song, Still Alive, in Japanese.